Assembly Overview


Our local situation is that some people in our community are actively concerned about government responses to the “Covid PlanDemic”

  • Shutdown of some local small businesses
  • The kind of schools they will be able to send their children
  • Treatments available to the sick
  • Other concerns.

Over the last month, a number of these people have come together to express their concerns and grievances, and find solutions that work for them. A few have begun an attempt to fashion a concerted, coherent response that changes how local government (has responded and) often responds to the people’s needs and desires. This attempt has initiated the forming of an assembly.

The purpose of an assembly is to move persons holding elected government offices towards protecting the people’s rights and ceasing to abusing their office for self-aggrandizement and self-benefit at the expense of the people. This is done by making the people of the county aware of the existence of the assembly, and that they can become members by whatever process those in the present assembly agree on by a vote: a majority, a quorum, or by however.

The main business of the assembly has three objectives. The first is to educate the assembly members to the point that the members can educate the rest of the community. This is done through research into and discussion of the research in order to reach a general consensus that leads to how the necessary changes can be implemented. Remember, the education of the assembly members and the community must always be demonstrated in a peaceful and lawful manner.

At some point, assembly members will realize that the underpinning of their authority and power to create these changes lies in a deep understanding of the origin of the Republic as well as its present condition i.e. the lawful origin of our nation (the Constitution and the Bill of Rights) and the rules that the legislature has published as being the way it is or is not.

The second objective is taking all that we have learned and condensing it into that concerted, coherent response. It is this objective that has the heavy burden of being researchers and educators who communicate their findings to the people. It will be hard and time-consuming to achieve. This process is where member commitment will be truly tested.

An aspect of the second objective is how the necessary changes are to be made.

We the People require our government officeholders to perform the duties and obligations of their office with integrity and impartiality. Present-day observation of the offices of government shows a constant affront to the people’s rights. These rights will not be protected by public officials until the power of politicians and attorneys who seek total control and authority is reduced.

Assemblies highlight grievances by using written communications in the form of Notices, Affidavits, FOIA requests, emails, and Complaints.

The assembly must anticipate that the miscreants holding public office will try to rebut, challenge, minimize, do away with, or ignore communications from the assembly.
Therefore, all assembly records are vital and need to be carefully maintained.

The quality of both the protocols and the chains of evidence that the assembly develops is crucial. Vital to the status and standing of the assembly are:

  • The records of minutes and communications

  • Records of the assembly’s work to reach whatever conclusions they did as well as

  • Records of any actions taken.

The assembly must follow a developed standard so that cases can be effectively made for the removal of targeted officeholders or the repeal of a particular statute, rule ordinance, or regulation.

First Step:

Gather as many people together as you can to meet with you and start by discussing what the community’s concerns are. Ask someone, called a Scribe, to take notes about whatever is discussed. After each meeting, the Scribe will summarize the meeting on one page. A backup Scribe should be in place should the main scribe not be able to make a meeting.

Guide the discussion into the formation of a local county assembly. The purpose at this point is to get the people introduced to the concept of an assembly and to crystallize grievances that are prevalent and common to all who are present. [However, as new people show up, allow the necessary (considerable?) time to hear what has brought them to the meeting. First-timers need to feel heard else they feel unheard and not come back. Be aware of balancing their need to share with non-newcomers desire to move on.]

Once the concept of an assembly is being accepted as a method of bringing the community’s grievances to the government offices, the discussion should then move into how to formalize the assembly using the “Bill of Rights, Article One” as the peoples’ authority and power to do so.

Confirm everyone agrees that what is paramount for these meetings is expressing the Will and Desire of the people and that there is a consensus that this is the most important factor in the formation of the assembly. It is also important that all who gather are to be heard and their input be considered in creating and implementing the concept that all have a voice. And that, if done in concert, can speak as one voice to an aberrant agent in a government office.

Be conscious of the time passing so that the meeting does not get over-long. Sooner or later, participants’ focus can begin to slacken and you risk losing them.

Have the group find the most convenient time, place, and meeting length for the next meeting.

All of this needs to be recorded in the notes made by the Scribe/note-keepers. This meeting and the notes will become the minutes and the record of the first meeting of the assembly. Review with the note-keepers notes to make sure their notes cover the essential aspects of the meeting.

Second Step:

This should be the second meeting – again with note-takers (plural – conversation might move so rapidly that a single notetaker could miss an important point). The discussion will be guided into the formalizing of the assembly.

This includes:

  • How this group of people desires their assembly to operate (perhaps including a steering committee/core group of elected members, and also, how a meeting’s agenda will be decided)
  • What leadership positions/offices they desire to establish
  • Who will fill those positions (and for how long).

There are three positions/offices that are vital for an assembly to function. These positions enable the assembly to further develop and to function with a minimum of breakdown if meetings slip into chaos. (Chaos at meetings often leads to the subsequent demise of the assembly.)

The first position or office is that of the Moderator who will keep order and decorum during the meeting’s progress and keep the discussion lively and moving.

The second position or office is a Scribe who will keep and maintain the record of the assembly by gathering the minutes from the note-takers and keeping them safe.

The third position or office is Bailiff or Sergeant-at-Arms who is to assist the Moderator in keeping order and to break up any ruckus caused by differences in ideology about any particular issue.

The fourth position is the Treasurer who keeps track of the donations collected at each meeting. The donations are used for app hosting, costs associated with filing and mailing certified documents to government officials, constitutional material, and printing costs, etc.

There are other offices like Chaplin, or Historian that an assembly may deem necessary to have in place. Also, Group Managers are very useful when complex topics are up for discussion on the assembly floor, or being voted on.

Third Step: By now, or at least probably by the end of the third or fourth meeting, the group/assembly will want to have completed the discussion of how the assembly will function and operate, and also become very solid on the concept that whatever the assembly decides to do, the safety and wellbeing of its members and the community is its highest priority.

The assembly needs to make the state and county aware of its existence. This is done when the assembly publishes a notice in the “Legal Notices” section of the major newspaper at the state level and also in the local newspaper for the county – again in the “Legal Notices” section for that county. The newspapers are being advised by their attorneys not to publish these notices, but persistence will prevail if you challenge them “nicely” and make your case using the very same 1st article of the Bill of Rights that they themselves use.

There are specifics to this publication process that you must insist on.

When local newspapers do publish the notice, it must not have a box around it. (Legally they will have conquered your assembly and can dictate and claim jurisdiction.) A way to see how you desire it to be published is to look in both a major and a local newspaper and see how the attorneys have their notices published and insist on the same courtesy.

The notice must be published three weeks in a row, with each newspaper being purchased and given to the Scribe for the record.

The final publishing is when the assembly reads the article into the minutes of the county’s Board of Supervisors, its Board of Commissioners, its board of Trustees, or whatever county, town hall, or business meetings take place in your location.

The state-level publication differs only in that the notice is to be published four weeks in a row, and then the article and a notice is mailed by registered mail to the state’s Governor and the state’s Attorney General.

Any and all rebuttals will have to be counter-challenged by the assembly. That has never happened yet, but one never knows with these miscreants – who are abusing the people.

Discuss this importance and organize the work.

Fourth Step: By now, the present assembly should be interested in, and determined to address, the concerns that have already been identified.

  • If sufficient numbers exist, small groups of three or five volunteers can form to discuss and research specific topics, subjects, or ideas – and later, bring their evidentiary findings and conclusions to the entire assembly.
  • The assembly, as a whole, can then develop the Notice which will be delivered to the government office that has been offensive and abusive to the people.

The Notice should include the particular agent that is involved OR the particular statute, rule, ordinance, or regulation that has caused harm to the people or the people’s property.

This is the way, We THE People affect change and demonstrate our ability to self-govern.

Further Understandings: We must hold our elected, appointed, and hired government agents responsible and accountable for their actions.

  1. Get rid of all the immunity codes that allow them to act aberrantly and abusively – and with impunity. This newfound power of the people enables the people to remove miscreants from those offices that they hold. Besides elected officeholders, this includes attorneys, judges, and law enforcement persons.

  2. The continual creep of attorneys into our government offices and the politicians that have sold out their office for financial gain and re-election favors is well known and observed. All the while, they put in place enslaving legislation that is abusive and costly to the people and the nation. The legislative process has been usurped and utilized against the people – and the assembly has the function of dissecting the verbiage of these legislative documents and demanding correction or repeal. This is not easy work and it is not a short method to accomplish the change that we all desire.

  3. As articulated through these steps, the assembly should have its operations established and people working in concert to establish a record of what the assembly is doing and what it is proposing to do. This will include keeping and maintaining the record of:

  • each meeting’s minutes
  • the positions/offices identified and filled in order to orchestrate the business of the meetings
  • the communications with government agents, at whatever level is chosen.

The assembly will see where there are overlaps in the abuse of government offices. Without a record of activity, the assembly is little more than a group of people meeting and discussing a wishlist – without any evidence of actions taken. The minutes of the meeting, whether in-person or by phone, are the record of the identifying of a government infraction, the proposed correction of that infraction, and the communication of that identification and proposed correction to that office. This is the purpose of the assembly and the type of dialog communicated to the government that informs them that their behavior is under scrutiny by the people.

  1. Many have come to believe that these actions will bring awareness to the people and that these abuses cannot be addressed by any other means than suing the miscreants in courts.

  2. People in most states will find their efforts blocked to hold their elected and hired government agents accountable. As the assembly comes to recognize how the government is supposed to work, versus how it actually does work, it will be an experience that riles the emotions and instills anger – which needs to be directed at challenging the legalized abuses and agent-protected immunities in order to effect real change. We must do this lawfully and peacefully.

  3. We should meet at regular times (preferably physically, but by phone or video conference if necessary) and discuss our findings of fact and our larger conclusions. In written form, we must demand the correction of the problem identified, and compile documented evidence.

  4. Our local efforts will probably be more effective if we establish a call for a state assembly that can be used to discuss state business at the state level and to also partake in a National Assembly call to discuss the national government abuse.

  5. We need to support communication of unified state positions to our congresspersons and the state’s legislatures.

10 Steps to an Assembly