We, the Nevada county assembly, the members, reserve the right to function in the private domain and are exempt from participating in any local or state emergency. We the People have the God-given right to form assemblies and contract with each other for the com...
Many serving so-called Government across America have no idea that they work for foreign corporations merely masquerading...
We are the Nevada county assembly. We are a 1st Amendment and Article 1 assembly, a non-denominational, non-partisan group comprised of "We the People" who are the 4th branch of government , and who are the masters and not t...
Open Lawful Notice per 18 U.S. Code § 2: You have a solemn duty to warn the American people NOT to take the so-called “COVID 19 Vaccine,” which is a confirmed depopulation Bio-weapon styled as a “Vaccine.” Those aiding and a...